

Sophie Goodison

Written and photographed by Sophie Goodison, Natura Journal is a collective of carefully selected features on the details of our environment. Natura aims to overlap all features and products of Earth in search of its origins. Detailing at the beauty of our natural environment, we aim to create a calm and contemplative journal, helping us to slow down and reflect our otherwise fast paced lives.

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Alicia Breakspear

Urban Greening explores the relationship between brutalist architecture and urban agriculture, outlining how we can incorporate sustainable food growth into pre-existing infrastructure within London. Through a series of eight embroidered photographs, Urban Greening envisions a futuristic London. Focusing on growing our own local food, sequestering carbon, boosting biodiversity and improving community well-being.

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Sophie Twining

Solace is an ode to the natural world; expressing its diverse beauty and shining a light on what it does for our wellbeing. This book is an artistic celebration of nature and perhaps a reminder of what we share and where we all come from. I hope it offers sanctuary, an escape from digital media and encourages you to return to your roots, and to find your own solace.

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Charlie Maw

Far away in the North Atlantic, Faroe Islanders have hunted and consumed pilot whales for the last millennia. Hunting whale has always been an important backbone of the national identity and community spirt. A food source for which the Faroese must be truly indebted in times of survival and oppression. However, since the industrial revolution, the globalised world has slowly polluted their marine environment. Harmful contaminates, such as mercury, have bio-accumulated up the marine food chain. Now, the very same poisons which harm the whales, now threaten the Islanders eating them. Pilot whale meat and blubber is ‘no longer fit for human consumption’, but 70% of the nation still consume this toxic cultural delicacy.   

Time, education and cultural respect is now required from the international community. The mercury pollution remains the biggest factor in ending the whale hunt and past environmental activism has only failed the whales in the Faroe Islands. A new approach is essential if we are to see the end of this historic hunt and the risk of a human health crisis in the next generation.   

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Izzy Carveth

This project is called Devolve. To devolve is to hand power back to the people. Devolution is something that goes hand in hand with reconnection, to return to the roots of where we come from. This book is a journey exploring topics of environmental activism, mental health, reconnection to nature and sustainability, putting it somewhere between a self-help book and a diary of thoughts accumulated over the last year. Izzy takes a pause from her time in activism to reflect upon everything she has learnt, bringing it together in this book and taking time to reconnect to nature through her photography. Alongside the words there are images of her time spent both in protests, and in the wild, particularly in the Cairngorms National Park. The whole project is shot using medium format photography and with only 12 shots per roll each shot had to be meticulously thought about, exposed correctly and composed precisely as was wanted. No shot was to be wasted and therefore more time was spent absorbing and reconnecting to the surrounding nature, something the book encompasses as a whole. 


Isabel Ramsey

Good Food is Good Food - Everyday Plant Based Recipes to Sustain Yourself and the Planet is here to prove that plant based food is more than just green. This book offers simplicity that satisfies your time, heart and taste buds.  Healthy and balanced lifestyles have become an important feature in daily life in the recent years. With more awareness of things such as climate change, the ethical treatment of animals, contaminated foods and processed foods, this book helps you navigate your way through these issues to best supply your body with nature’s best foods. Good Food is Good Food has the goal of turning the most novice chef into someone who can create achievable meals that are balanced, nutritious and delicious as a way to look after yourself and planet. 


Molly Rands

Tiger’s Tea follows the trail of destruction left by two cats in one rural garden, deep in the heart of the Cambridgeshire countryside. Tiger, rescued 18 years ago, with her sibling Mitzi, is the cat who inspired my book and who sadly passed at the start of the project. Most of the content is supplied by Mitzi, a prolific hunter despite her years, and Mouse, an eight-week-old kitten who is learning what it takes to be a cat. 

Many are unaware of the detrimental impact domestic cats are having on wildlife, causing the extinction of 63 species and threatening countless more. It reconfirms that even though people don’t want to hear it, the cat population needs to be reduced. If nothing is done, many more species will become extinct. 


Charlie Cupples

The Maldives is an ocean lover’s dream. The warm tropical waters and remote sandy beaches attract visitors from all around the world. The main reason for people visiting the Maldives is to have the opportunity to share the water with the megafauna that live in and around the coral reefs. Manta rays are the definition of nature’s majesty and create an emotional connection between humans and the oceans through their remarkable behaviour under the surface. 

This book explores the world of the reef manta rays in Maamunagau Lagoon. Exhibiting the beautiful and intricate nature of this mysterious species and the problems associated with their popularity, along with the work that the Manta Trust are doing to help protect the population of manta rays in the Maldives.

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Emily Kennett

One Oak - A celebration of life found on and around a single oak tree. This project hopes to inspire intrigue and inquisition into our strange and tiny woodland inhabitants. With so much biodiversity loss happening around the world today, it is really important to foster respect for the smallest creatures, which are the drivers of important processes that keep our ecosystems functional. 

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Ellie Neil

The Town and The Sea is a photo essay in book form which documents Falmouth during the Coronavirus crisis and resultant lockdown. Featured alongside the photographs are passages from the 1947 novel The Plague, by French author and philosopher Albert Camus. The images and words work together to create a visual journey which follows the seemingly mundane aspects of life in Falmouth, bringing them to life and presenting them alongside Camus’ musings. 

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Adam Heywood and Sam Hayden

We are on a journey to document and celebrate the stories of the UK’s rarest dog breeds. We hope that by showcasing these forgotten breeds, we can make people fall back in love with them, perhaps resulting in people buying them over designer breeds and therefore keeping them from going extinct.

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Shannon Moran

In recent years many corals and fish species in the world’s oceans have been discovered to be Biofluorescent. I was drawn to the Red Sea, fascinated by the bright glowing corals. This phenomenon is not as alien as once believed, biofluorescence is caused when organisms absorb light and re-emit that same light at a lower energy. As technology advances the ability to see fluorescence using artificial blue light has become widely accessible. We are now able to reveal the mysteries of Biofluorescence in the Oceans, the collection of photographs in this book encapsulate the range of colourful and cryptic marine life found here. All images were captured using underwater camera housings and created using a mixture of natural lighting, white light and blue artificial light. After spending months researching and learning how to photograph the mysterious glow of biofluorescence, I travelled to Egypt to begin my journey into this unknown world.


Jake Roberts

Reclaim is a photographic exploration of the natural beauty which appears once a man-made place is left to the elements for long enough. Set mainly around forgotten industrial sites, with a focus on the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, this book highlights the beauty which can be found in these desolate spots. Most people wouldn’t dream of venturing out to these places, but to others there is something special about these post- apocalyptic retreats. The images in this book aim to be a welcoming insight into the world of urbex, and the natural beauty of these places after being left to planet.

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Lewis Jefferies

A photo story about the importance and conservation of Seagrass in the UK. Seagrass is a crucial habitat for marine life and and amazing carbon sink. Research suggests it can absorb carbon up to 35 times faster than an equal area of forest. Predictions suggest that the UK has lost more than 90% of its seagrass meadows in the last century, mostly due to human impacts. Project Seagrass, WWF-UK & Sky Ocean Rescue are currently working to restore an area of seagrass - previously lost - off the Pembrokeshire coast in Wales. They have collected 1 million seeds from multiple locations in the UK and replanted them off the coast of Dale in Pembrokeshire. 

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Molly Emerson

Canine Companions: As our companions for thousands of years, dogs are deeply intertwined with our lives and within society, much more so than any other animal. We rely on dogs in the police force, military, on farms, guiding the blind, and so much more. We make them responsible for our lives and their loyalty to us never fails or wavers, it is a bond valued throughout history all across the globe. Our relationship with our dogs is comparable to that of children- we value and treasure them as if we gave birth to them ourselves. Molly Emerson explores this bond through her book, Canine Companions. In the past, Emerson has photographed the bond between humans and dogs in a more comedic fashion, however, in light of unprecedented events, her recent project expresses and illustrates the support they give us in our times of isolation.